Important phone numbers Member Services (TTY 711) 24-hour Nurse HelpLine STAR Kids Help Line (to enroll) Para averiguar cuáles farmacias están en la red de Amerigroup, llámenos al (TTY 711) o vaya a la página de Find a Doctor (Encontrar un médico) en nuestro sitio de Internet en Para saber más acerca de las farmacias, los hospitales, los especialistas y otros proveedores de la red de Amerigroup, puede llamarnos al (TTY 711).

You'll also find information on exclusions and limitations, if they apply. Your regular STAR Kids benefits include: An Amerigroup service coordinator who can help with your services Doctor care from your primary care provider and specialists* Hospitalization* Prescription drugs* Immunizations Vision* Wellness checkups* Long-term services and supports And more You can find more details about these and other benefits in the member handbook. Or go to the Find a Doctor page at to search for providers. 1 Provider Directory/ Directorio de proveedores Amerigroup Insurance Company Dallas Service Area Dallas, Collin, Ellis, Hunt, Kaufman, Navarro, and Rockwell Counties Call toll-free/liame gratis al (TTY 711)Ģ To find out which pharmacies are in the Amerigroup network, call us at (TTY 711) or go to the Find a Doctor page on our website at To learn more about the pharmacies, hospitals, specialists, and other providers in the Amerigroup network, you can call us at (TTY 711).