The Fourth Man ( 4人目の男, Yoninme no Otoko).The Mysterious Messiah ( 謎の救世主, Nazo no Kyūseishu).Summoning Souls to Meet ( 呼び逢う魂, Yobiau Tamashii).The Enemy Who Appeared ( 現れた敵, Arawareta Teki).Gills' Resurrection ( ギルス復活, Girusu Fukkatsu).A Person's Whereabouts ( 人の居場所, Hito no Ibasho).Hidden Power ( 隠された力, Kakusareta Chikara).A Numerical Mystery?! ( 数字の謎?!, Sūji no Nazo?!).That Summer Day ( あの夏の日, Ano Natsu no Hi).Restored Memories ( 甦った記憶, Yomigaetta Kioku).Another Clash! ( 激突再び!, Gekitotsu Futatabi!).The Flawless Machine ( 完璧マシン, Kanpeki Mashin).The Qualified Person ( 資格ある者, Shikaku Aru Mono).Fateful Showdown ( 運命の対決, Unmei no Taiketsu).Rampaging Power ( 暴走する力, Bōsō Suru Chikara).Breakup Decision? ( 解散決定?, Kaisan Kettei?).Capture Tactics! ( 捕獲作戦!, Hokaku Sakusen!).A Suspicious Woman… ( 怪しい女…, Ayashii Onna…).A Trap Begins ( 罠の始まり, Wana no Hajimari).The Strongest Kick ( 最強キック, Saikyō Kikku).Dad's Clue ( 父の手掛かり, Chichi no Tegakari).The Crash in the Lake! ( 湖の激突!, Mizuumi no Gekitotsu!).The Past Tied Together ( 繋がる過去, Tsunagaru Kako).Silver Points and Lines ( 銀の点と線, Gin no Ten to Sen).The Two G3s ( 2人のG3, Futari no Jī Surī).Sword of Red Flames ( 赤い炎の剣, Akai Honō no Tsurugi).A Piece of a Memory ( 記憶の一片, Kioku no Ippen).Sorrowful Monstrous Fist ( 哀しき妖拳, Kanashiki Yōken).The Third Warrior ( 第3の戦士, Dai-San no Senshi).Puzzle Decoding ( パズル解読, Pazuru Kaidoku).My Transformation ( 俺の変身, Ore no Henshin).The Warrior's Awakening ( 戦士の覚醒, Senshi no Kakusei).Episode 47-51 - "Agito and the Future of Mankind" Arc ( 「アギトと人類の未来」編, "Agito to Jinrui no Mirai"-Hen), this arc concludes the story with the fact that mankind was fated to evolve endlessly, for every human to become an Agito.Episode 29-46 - "Revealed Past" Arc ( 「明かされる過去」編, "Akasareru Kako"-Hen), this arc makes Shoichi discover his past and his true identity by regaining his memories, while also discovering that this is linked to Makoto and Ryo's pasts.Makoto Hikawa as Kamen Rider G3 investigates a series of inexplicable murders, Shoichi Tsugami fights the Unknown as Agito and Ryo Ashihara discovers his powers as Gills. Episode 01-28 - "Impossible Crime" Arc ( 「不可能犯罪」編, "Fukanō Hanzai"-Hen), this arc introduces most of the main characters and plot.The series is divided into two story arcs : This article is about a list of episodes in Kamen Rider Agito.