On August 23, 2009, an unofficial English translation patch was released onto the internet. The game has never been officially released outside Japan, despite plans for an English localization of the Saturn version. It was initially released for the PC-9821 computer platform in 1994, followed by remade versions for the 3DO in 1995, and the PlayStation and Sega Saturn in 1996. Help and cover it will be Ed Brown, an old friend and partner.Policenauts is a cinematic adventure game, with a hard science fiction storyline published by Konami, written and directed by Hideo Kojima. But soon he has to make another voyage to Beyond Coast, get there in a big binding, shake out a few skeletons from the cabinets and experience a couple of dozens of unforgettable encounters and adventures. After being rescued and rehabilitated after a long hibernation, it digs out on Earth (Earth is now affectionately called Home), in Old Los Angeles, where it spends the days for smoking rationed cigarettes and small detective investigations. The fresh-frozen hero is called Jonathan Ingram, and we will play for him. In the process of testing equipment, one of them is thrown out into open space, and 25 years furrows its expanses in the cryogenic dream of an emergency capsule. At the first in the history of mankind, the cosmic colony of Beyond Coast pompously send a detachment of five poly-patents, specially selected and trained cops, who should control order among the citizens of the cosmos. Of course, at the time of the release of the game it was the norm for games on the PSX, but still some small details and "heaped" hieroglyphs are quite difficult to consider. The only serious drawback of the game in this regard can be called only a low resolution. Also, judging by the information I got on the Internet, the graphics of "poly-scenes" in the PSX version are better than in the versions for PC-9821 and 3DO (personally, I could not be sure yet). If you compare the graphics of Snatcher (even the PSX version) with the graphics of Policenauts, then the "poly-patents" are higher. Also very pleasing to the eye is the scene at the beginning of the game, when Jonathan's office "floods" with different colors, and the Space Museum. Especially a lot of attention is paid to female characters and EMPS (this is a spacesuit for policemen to carry out tasks both inside the colony and beyond, in space).

The color scale, animation of the characters is also at a high level and pleases the eye.

And the anime clips were created not by Konami himself, but by the famous studio AIC. In doing so, everything is done in the anime style. Resolution in the game, and in the commercials - 320x240. This is not a story, everything is simple.